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whst happened to the plugins, and programs.
i'm sure these were installed automatically before. But i can't see them.
okay I found. there are displayed as icons. is there any way to have them as a list?
Also when I run a program it's in german. How do i run it in english?
OKAY I CAN see how to run it as a list now.
go to configuration/options/language
There are 3 options there
English-which if you click does not give you programs as a file list
which if you click it, will display as a list. But when running programs they will display in german. in some cases, this can be be remedied by getting rid of all language files except english. But a program such as notepad plus plus does not have an english language file. So I'd be grateful if somebody could tel me how to run it in engllish?l
okay.i figured out how to do it by going to the notesad ++ website sand installing the eng language xml file

If you want to administrate your Plugins take a look for 'TC Plugins Manager V2.2.8'.
With 'TC Menu' (another Plugin) you can create your Menu in the Buttonbar.
And with 'Ultra TC Editors V6.21' you can create Menues, Buttonbars and your own cammands and a lot more.

The language must be changed native by the Program himself. You must differ between Programs and Plugins.

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