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Damage of system registry file
To uninstall the program leave "trash" in the registry file and damaged section of the program by default in the email. SadSadSad

In Windows 10 x64
(01-03-2017, 08:49 PM)wetware05 Wrote: To uninstall the program leave "trash" in the registry file and damaged section of the program by default in the email. SadSadSad

In Windows 10 x64

What do you mean. Please explain it with details.
Produces this error:, Since operamail entries are not deleted from the registry file. The solution of this page does not work. It was valid for versions of Windows previous to the 10.

Can you publish the changes that occur in the registry file, put them in a file that you can download?
(01-04-2017, 02:24 PM)wetware05 Wrote: Produces this error:, Since operamail entries are not deleted from the registry file. The solution of this page does not work. It was valid for versions of Windows previous to the 10.

Can you publish the changes that occur in the registry file, put them in a file that you can download?

Still have no idea what you mean... However, here are registry kesy TC UP uses:

PHP Code:
For example:
${DESC} => AIMP Media Player
${EXT}  => MP3
${ICONLIB} => Path To Icon
${PARAM}   => Application parameters

"HKLM" "SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" "${NAME}" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\Capabilities"
WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}" "" "${NAME}"
WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\Capabilities" "ApplicationName" "${NAME}"
WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\Capabilities" "ApplicationDescription" "${DESC}"

WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\Capabilities\FileAssociations" ".${EXT}" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}"
WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\DefaultIcon" "" "${ICONLIB}"
WriteRegStr "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\${NAME}\shell\open\command" "" '"${PATH}" ${PARAM} "%1"'

WriteRegStr "HKCR" ".${EXT}" "" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}"
WriteRegBin "HKCR" ".${EXT}\OpenWithProgIds" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}" ""
WriteRegStr "HKCR" ".${EXT}" "" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}"
WriteRegStr "HKCR" ".${EXT}" "TCUP Extension" "1"
WriteRegBin "HKCR" ".${EXT}\OpenWithProgIds" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}" ""

WriteRegStr "HKCR" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}" "" ""
WriteRegStr "HKCR" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}\DefaultIcon" "" "${ICONLIB}"
WriteRegStr "HKCR" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}\shell" "" "Open"
WriteRegStr "HKCR" "${NAME}.File.${EXT}\shell\open\command" "" '"${PATH}" ${PARAM} "%1"' 

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