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TC UP New creates DIR in wrong Panel
The Version 6.1500 creates "sometimes" funny things on my Windows 10.

Left Panel shows the Directory for example "c:\temp".
Right Panel shows the Folder "d:\test".
With Focus in right Panel I want to create a new subdir named "Try1".
TCUP New is configured to change into the newly created Folder.

But the following happens.

In the left Panel there will the new Folder "Try1" be created and the Focus for the right Panel changes into "c:\temp\Try1".

I can't reproduce it with changed directions (creating a DIR in left Panel) and it happens only on this one and only Computer (my fav. WS) and maybe closing and reopen TCUP let the bug go away for sometime.

Very strange, i know.

Further ideas for Investigations?

best regards
(04-20-2017, 10:58 PM)data.enterprise Wrote: Further ideas for Investigations?

Thank you for your report.
1. Could you please attache here your wincmd.ini file?
2. Could you please make a screenshot of your TC UP interface? (I need to know what TC interface elements are enabled (visible), for example: directory trees, Tab panel, etc...).
I can read that from wincmd.ini but it will be much faster to find a bug.


a new year has come. Sorry for this.

Here ist my wincmd.ini

best regards
Something new?

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