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Big Grin 
please include the romanian language in a future version.I offer to translate it if you wantWink.thanks for the good jobCool and keep up the good workWink[/font]
I would really like TC UP to have Dracula's land translation. if I remember correctly you are the 7th person from Romania who propose to do so. Unfortunately: every time I had sent proper files to be translated any kind of communiaction vanished. If you are still sure that you want to localise TC UP then contact with me via e-mail and I will send you needed files.
i think everyone runs when they see how much its to translate Smile
hello every 1 - well ady i think you are right still i hope some one can translate too swedish - this program i use every day and i cant be without it Smile
ady Wrote:i think everyone runs when they see how much its to translate Smile

Romanians only Sad

FRKE3939 Wrote:hello every 1 - well ady i think you are right still i hope some one can translate too swedish - this program i use every day and i cant be without it Smile

I am also waiting for Nordic translators (I love Vikings). You can find translation files in the attachment. Maybe someone will willing to help without contacting with me first.
ULTIMA PRIME Wrote:I would really like TC UP to have Dracula's land translation. if I remember correctly you are the 7th person from Romania who propose to do so. Unfortunately: every time I had sent proper files to be translated any kind of communiaction vanished. If you are still sure that you want to localise TC UP then contact with me via e-mail and I will send you needed files.

this is the MNU file translated to will come soonBig GrinTongueWink
Quote:I am also waiting for Nordic translators (I love Vikings). You can find translation files in the attachment. Maybe someone will willing to help without contacting with me first.

I have downloaded and i'm almost done with the Swedish translation but don't know what to do with it.

1. I'm not sure what exactly needs to be translated.
2. Someone would need to check it for errors.
3. What should i name the files to?
4. Where do i send the translations when it's finished?
alfaaaa Wrote:1. I'm not sure what exactly needs to be translated.

Please compare English files with other languages. This is the best way to find out what should be changed.

alfaaaa Wrote:2. Someone would need to check it for errors.

I can find characters related errors as soon as I receive those files.

alfaaaa Wrote:3. What should i name the files to?

Use your language localisation code (shorthand). Ex. for Polish it is "pol", for Russian - "rus", for English - "eng", etc.

alfaaaa Wrote:4. Where do i send the translations when it's finished?

Send it to me.

Remember! Always save files in the same encoding as original. If you have ANSI, save it as ANSI. If it's Unicode - use Unicode.

I've attached one more important file: website interface translation.
ULTIMA PRIME Wrote:Please compare English files with other languages. This is the best way to find out what should be changed.

Ok i did that and think i got it.

ULTIMA PRIME Wrote:I can find characters related errors as soon as I receive those files.

It's more of the translated words i was wondering about.
ULTIMA PRIME Wrote:I've attached one more important file: website interface translation.

I check it out.

Depending on family i think i will be done with translation either tonight or during this weekend.
alfaaaa Wrote:Depending on family i think i will be done with translation either tonight or during this weekend.


I've attached one more important file: website button translation.

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