Total Commander Ultima Prime - One For All

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 9.1

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2025 02 01 _ 00:00:01

Total Commander Ultima Prime 9.1 is a release that focuses on refining and improving the project.

In this version, you will find, above all, a solid portion of fixes for minor bugs that appeared in version 9.0.

But that's not all! We have also prepared for you a few interesting new features that will certainly make your work with this powerful project more enjoyable.

In version 9.1, we have added the ability to select the default naming scheme when creating files, directories and lists in the "TC UP New" tool. No more manual entry of names! From now on, everything will be perfectly organized from the moment of creation. Additionally, we have fixed the display of default schemes for the list mode - everything works as it should now!

From now on, taking a screenshot, in addition to the "PrtScn" button on the keyboard, is also possible by left-clicking on the "TC UP Capture" tool icon (the middle button opens the program window). We have also fixed the problem with opening directories from the context menu in this tool.

From this version it is possible to display previews of *.ape, *.flac and *.webm files directly in the "Total Commander" program.

We also focused on improving the configuration of "AIMP", "Inkscape", "Krita", "TeamViewer", "Vivaldi", "XnView MP".

Additionally, we said goodbye to the problem of incorrect update notifications - from now on you will always be up to date (of course if the next versions are released, because that is not so certain).

Users of the French version will certainly be pleased to hear about the full translation of the installer into their language - thanks to "a.k.a. vavo" for translating the missing texts in the original translation, made by Thierry Rodrigues.


You can see the mentioned new items on the YouTube channel.


We would like to thank all Donors who supported our project. Unfortunately, as usual, there were not many of you...

Therefore, as announced, we are suspending further development of TC UP.

The next version will only appear when we have real financial support, and not a "charity" like 1 euro.

We appreciate your support, but our work must be adequately appreciated.

If you finally understand that it is worth investing in the development of a project that makes your life easier, we will release version 9.2.

However, looking at the involvement of users so far, I am afraid that it will not happen too soon...

Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 9.0

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2025 01 01 _ 00:00:01

We are happy to announce the release of the new, revolutionary version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 9.0

This release brings a number of fundamental changes and improvements, focusing on modernizing the architecture, adding new, extremely useful tools, improving the configuration of the project itself, and updating many programs to their latest, stable versions.

The key change is the transition to 64-bit architecture, which significantly increases the performance and stability of TC UP, allowing you to fully utilize the potential of modern computers.

Unfortunately, with this change, it was necessary to remove 32-bit plugins of Total Commander, which no longer have their equivalents in the 64-bit version.

We are also introducing two new, proprietary tools: "TC UP Capture", used for quick and convenient taking screenshots and capturing the contents of the system clipboard, and "TC UP Time Renamer", which allows you to instantly change the date and time (saved, created, accessed) in many files at the same time.

The interface has undergone some modifications, including improved button bars, new custom columns and additional fields in existing columns, and an improved list of favorite directories.

Users have gained the ability to change the default path to the "!Files" directory - thanks to this, they have greater flexibility in configuring the Total Commander Ultima Prime project to suit their own requirements.

The process of restoring settings from a backup during installation has been improved, and a new "Ultima" scheme has been added to the backup tab.

The installation process has been optimized, reducing its time and displaying the system "Default Applications" tab only when necessary.

Numerous improvements have been made to the configuration of the applications included in TC UP, and many programs and tools have been updated to the latest versions, including AIMP to 5.40.2652, Ant Movie Catalog to 4.2.3, Audacity to 3.7.1, HomeBank to 5.8.5, HWiNFO to 8.17-5620, Inkscape to 1.4, KeePass to 2.57.1, Krita to 5.2.6, Miranda NG to, MPC-BE to 1.8.2, MyPhoneExplorer to 2.2, Notepad++ to 8.7.4, qBittorrent to 5.0.3, Recuva to 1.54.120, ShutterEncoder to 18.6, Subtitle Edit to 4.0.10, Sumatra PDF to 3.5.2, TeamViewer to 15.61.3, Total Commander to 11.03, VeraCrypt to 1.26.15, Vivaldi to 7.0.3495.27, WinContig to, XnView MP to 1.8.3 and XnConvert to 1.102.0.

We invite you to download and use the new version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 9.0!

Due to the fact that there were a lot of improvements, which may also result in some oversights, we ask for your opinions and suggestions on the forum.

You can see the mentioned new items on the YouTube channel.

Dear users, once again we ask for financial support for the development of this project, without your support TC UP will cease to exist.

We have devoted a whole year to preparing this version, it was thousands of hours (literally!) for which only a few people have appreciated us with their donations so far.

We would like to thank those who supported us with their donations!

Additionally (I wasn't going to write this, but I will) - two days ago, on December 29, 2024, as a result of an incredible chain of events, the reason for which was the desire to keep the word given a few months ago about the release of the new version on January 1, 2025, I had an accident, as a result of which I had to scrap my car, which consequently means that I am currently in an exceptionally tragic situation.

I wrote this because I want you to know how much we are devoting to the development of this project, so if there is still no financial support in the form of donations from users in the future, then with this version of Total Commander Ultima Prime, we say goodbye to you.

All the best in the upcoming 2025.
Robert Łajka

What's next for the development of Total Commander Ultima Prime?

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2024 08 31 _ 23:59:59

Ladies and Gentlemen, for almost 19 years we have been working on the development of the Total Commander Ultima Prime project.

The idea was simple - install the operating system > install TC UP - that's it!

Nothing more is needed (apart from specialist software).

I can proudly say that this plan has been implemented.

In TC UP, we have a collection of the best programs in their categories, as well as many proprietary tools that significantly speed up work on a computer compared to classic solutions.

Over the course of 19 years, we have spent tens of thousands of hours on the development of this project, thus neglecting our private lives, not to mention spending our own money on maintaining the infrastructure (Website, File hosting, etc.).

In its heyday, TC UP was used by about 400,000 people.

But times are changing and new generations are moving from computers to smartphones.

At the moment, TC UP is used by about 40,000 users.

A big blow to the project was the FALSE accusation from the Microsoft Defender antivirus program, which unfortunately many users believed.

I then undertook a lonely fight to clear TC UP of this false accusation.

I was counting on the help of many users, in whose interest it was to clarify this matter - unfortunately, I miscalculated - only a few people supported me with their support in the report.

Whenever we worked on the development of subsequent versions, we were guided by the idea: every user is different, which is why TC UP must be as configurable as possible - everything that is possible, the user sets for themselves, this idea required a lot of work on our part, which, as it turned out after years - few appreciated.

I also had private requests for you, such as liking social profiles (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok) despite the fact that it cost absolutely nothing, you were not even able to help me that much.

When releasing version 8.8 I "warned" that if there were no payments, access to the project would be blocked - suddenly donations appeared, we were supported by a dozen or so people - this gave us "wind in our wings" and the desire to continue improving TC UP.

Unfortunately, after releasing the next version: 8.9, again no one was interested in support (apart from a few people whom i thank very much) - the conclusion is that we have to constantly remind you, because otherwise you will not appreciate our work and will not support the project - it is incredibly sad and pathetic.

All the reasons mentioned above were the last straw, so I will sum up in one sentence:

No donations, no new TC UP releases!

Only regular financial support from you will allow us to continue working on the development of subsequent versions of TC UP (monthly donations).

Since the previous version, we have been continuously working on TC UP 9.0, which will be released on January 1, 2025 - publicly, or only for donors - you decide.

This will be the most groundbreaking version that has been created so far - including the change of architecture, as well as the addition of new, useful tools and functionalities.

There are 3 months left until the release of version 9.0, it's time for you to start supporting the project regularly and show your gratitude for our work.

If you don't do it, too bad... it was nice to help you for 20 years, but as the creators of the project, we won't spend another second for you.

In order not to leave users without a voice, you can express your opinions on this topic on the forum in this thread.

Robert Łajka (on behalf of the TC UP Team)

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.9

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2024 01 01 _ 23:59:59

New Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.9 has many new features, including a feature that users have been asking for a long time, but was very difficult to implement... but we did it!

TC UP 8.9 (and next versions) can retain all user settings from the previous version during installation, such as appearance, button bar configuration, colors, menus, specific settings of individual programs included in the project, etc.

Attention! The function will work from the second installation, because only the installer of version 8.9 can save the appropriate settings.

Due to the fact that the number of possible configurations is unlimited, minor errors may occur, please report them on the board.

Another novelty is the addition of a program for editing subtitles in movies - Subtitle Edit, this program has amazing possibilities that will be appreciated by everyone involved in video processing.

Another program that appears in Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.9 is the TC UP Opener tool, created by Paweł Porwisz.

This tool is used to open (F3 and F4 keys in TC) the appropriate program, depending on the selected file extension (e.g. AIMP for .mp3, Notepad++ for .txt, XnView MP for .jpg, etc.), as well as quick program selection for unrelated with no file program.

Going further, this version also includes a plugin for connecting and uploading files to the MEGA website, which enhances the existing ability to send files directly from Total Commander to websites such as Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Yandex drive.

We have also developed the functionality of the TC UP New tool for super-fast creation of large numbers of files and directories, namely in the List mode we have added the option of dividing into directories for particular types of lists - this allows for even more convenient management of sets of saved lists.

In order not to duplicate functionality and thanks to the TC UP Opener tool, WinMerge was removed from the project and its functionality was taken over by Notepad++, which is perfect for comparing files.

All of these news can be seen in the movie: News in Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.9

When releasing the previous version, I asked you for several things, including: adding a vote of support in the case of a false accusation by Microsoft Defender - only a few people expressed support (for which I thank you) and only from Poland (in times when every language can be translated automatically, this is inconceivable to me) - In the meantime, if you can't install TC UP because Defender will block it - thank yourself for that.

The second issue is financial support, and here the situation is the opposite, I must thank you very much, because we have received it from several of you and if it is continued, the project will still be published publicly, if not, then, as I wrote in the previous version - it will be available only to donors.

I wanted to thank all donors publicly by name, but I gave up on this idea because we live in strange times when mentioning someone's name in public can be... However, you know that it is only thanks to you that TC UP is still being published...

Finally, I have a BIG request, although seeing as the lack of commitment to the Defender issue, I don't expect much, although of course I would like to be wrong...

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me break through the algorithms of social networking sites and subscribe, like, comment and share the materials on the following media:





It costs you absolutely nothing and will help me a lot.

Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2023 09 01 _ 23:59:59

At the very beginning, I would like to thank Mr. Krzysztof Jędrych, who responded to my request for computer support (when I released the previous version, I wrote that my computer broke down, and because I can't afford a new one, I had nothing to create TC UP on ), not only did he give the workstation completely for free, he also sent it at his own expense and sent accessories!

The latest version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 was created only thanks to the HUGE support of Mr. Krzysztof, if it wasn't for the fact that this man has a big heart for the TC UP project, there would not be a new version today.

Thank you with all my heart, Mr. Krzysztof (especially for you, thumbnails for PDF files (and a few other extensions by the way) are already working in TC UP ;))
Robert Łajka

Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8 is the most refined version that has been created so far, but one by one…

Thanks to the consent of Pierre Gougelet, a program for viewing and editing graphic files "XnView MP" was added, which replaced the program that was almost from the beginning in TC UP, i.e. "XnView Classic" (part of the package since 2007).
The MP version is a much more powerful tool that can do wonders for viewing and basic image editing.

Another improvement is the preparation of a new backup system in the installer, which in future versions will be used to restore user settings when updating TC UP to newer versions (for now, it only works with basic settings, but in next versions it will be significantly expanded, ensuring the preservation of almost all user-defined settings).

The function of copying files has also been improved, when creating a large number of directories and files with one click, in our own program "TC UP New".
This will provide additional possibilities for creating complex projects consisting of several directories - film editors, people working with sound, photo editing or other multimedia tasks, and everyone who wants to add additional files to the project, e.g. their logo, should like this functionality, which will always be in the appropriate directory.

And as I am writing about multimedia files, it is impossible not to mention that the display of information in own columns and thumbnails has been improved for multimedia files (Audio, Video and Photo) - thanks to this, now it will be even faster to check the basic data, for a given type of media file.
The preview of Audio, Video, Photo files directly in the Total Commander panel has also been improved, so that you can immediately view a movie, listen to a music track or preview a picture.

Users who often view PDF files or watch comics in a digital version (e.g. in CBR format) will also be happy - from this version, it can be done directly in the Total Commander panel, and additionally, they will be able to see what the content of the files is, thanks to the ability to display thumbnails for these extensions.

I will also mention the addition of a new mask in the "Multi-Rename tool", ensuring even faster renaming of multiple files, and the enabling of faster file deletion in the "Total Commander" program and of course that the programs included in the project have been updated to the latest versions.

All of these news can be seen in the movie: News in Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.8

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear users - I regret to write that I was very disappointed in you.

The two previous versions were WRONGLY blocked by the Microsoft Defender antivirus, I fought a lonely battle with Microsoft on this matter, unfortunately after half a year the case was closed, because according to representative of this company it lasted too long, although it has not been resolved (if anyone ever thinks of getting something done at Microsoft, let it go - no one there knows anything and no one can do anything).

That's why I started a public report (in Polish): Microsoft Defender FALSELY accuses the Total Commander Ultima Prime project of containing a virus - it's been going on for half a year and nobody is doing anything about it! - hoping that a large number of people will express their support (the link to this application is on the forum in a post that has over 35,000 views!), BUT … only one person did it…

The passivity of TC UP users is shocking, I can't understand how you can be so ungrateful…

People understand, if you want TC UP not to be blocked on downloads, express your support on this topic - I don't know how Defender will behave for version 8.8, whether it will still block or not (time will tell), but your support will definitely help in solving this problem once and for all!

The second reason is the financial support of the project - since the previous version (8.7) the project has been supported by 2 people.

It gave us food for thought, since no one appreciates our hard work, to which we have already devoted thousands of hours, there is no point in creating this project for you.

Therefore, if no one will appreciate our work, thanks to which you save thousands of hours working in TC UP, from the future version, public access to the project will be closed.

Of course, TC UP will still be developed, because we use it ourselves and we still have a lot of ideas for improvements - that's why all translators, people who supported the project in various ways and all donors who gave a total of at least 100 dollars, or the equivalent of this amount in other currencies - will get access to future versions.

So, it's up to you whether TC UP will continue to be publicly available or not, because being suckers on our part is over.

If you want further development and public access to the TC UP project, we ask for financial support.

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.7

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2023 04 30 _ 23:59:59

Since the beginning of the Total Commander Ultima Prime project, i.e. since 2005, there has been no situation as for this version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.7.

The description will be long, but please read the whole thing so that everything is understandable:

After the release of version 8.6 at the beginning of this year, a few strange things happened.

Practically in the first week, the Przelewy24 service (on the Stipe platform) blocked the possibility of making donations via transfers in Polish Banks, so I am asking TC UP users to make donations directly to given account number.

Another thing that took some time was adapting the site to Google's requirements, otherwise the ability to display ads would be blocked (I know that most of you don't like ads, but displaying them on this site allows you to collect at least a few euros each month, and without money, there is nothing to think about further development of TC UP).

However, the real blow to the project was the Windows Defender antivirus program, which, about 2 months after the release of version 8.6, for some unknown reason, started blocking and FALSELY accusing the tcup86.exe file of containing a Trojan.

Defender is part of Windows 10 and 11, which started to result in it, that for the average user, not very familiar with computers, it was practically impossible to install TC UP in the system, who uses Defender, as the default antivirus program, additionally, some users have started reporting the download link to tcup86.exe, as dangerous in Microsoft Edge browser, through the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen filter, which caused additional problems…

I've been working on this project for a large part of my life, it's been over 18 years - and I won't let myself and the Total Commander Ultima Prime project be blamed!

I have taken steps to clean the tcup86.exe file of this FALSE AND VERY HARMFUL slander that could lead to the complete destruction of the TC UP project - the simplest method in this case would be to send the file via filesubmission so that the scanner can check the heuristics of the file and remove said file from the database of potentially harmful files.

But here's a problem, namely, the service only accepts files up to 500 MB, and the tcup86.exe file is almost 850 MB (for the same reason, I couldn't upload the file to the VirusTotal service, which accepts files with a maximum size of 650 MB).

The next step was an attempt to contact Microsoft directly, first I tried to call the Polish branch of Microsoft several times, unfortunately to no avail, then (because on the Polish hotline, it is not possible to talk to a consultant "live" by phone) I tried to contact via chat (I had two such calls), where I reported the problem and was assured that it would be fixed quickly - unfortunately it did not happen.

In the meantime, it happened that in the second week of April, I had the opportunity to be in Warsaw and on my free day I decided to go to the Polish branch of Microsoft, at al. Jerozolimskie, but before leaving for this branch, I tried to call them again, and here's a surprise… almost immediately, I got through to a nice lady who informed me that there was no point in coming there because there would be no one to talk to anyway, but she assured me that she would pass my case on and it actually happened, for which I am extremely grateful to this lady, I was given a case number, about which I was informed in an e-mail, and that would contact me within two days one of the "senior ambassadors" - however, it's been several days and still no one has contacted me…

I don't understand why it's so hard to do something so simple…

And here comes the next issue that came to light during testing - Microsoft Defender Antivirus probably does not block tcup86.exe because of the file code, but because it is called Total Commander Ultima Prime - the video shows how Defender behaves when it encounters this name when compiling a simple file containing only the words "Hello World".

What's funnier, during subsequent tests, Defender detects exactly in the same simple file, different, completely different threats, it is enough for the file to contain the mentioned name.

I don't know why this is happening, whether it's an accident or intentional, but an anti-virus program that claims a file is a Trojan without checking the file's heuristics, and based only on the name of the file, is at least to me not very credible.

And getting to the point:

Due to the fact that it was impossible to contact someone responsible for Microsoft Defender who would be able to remove the name of Total Commander Ultima Prime from probably some blacklist on the basis of which Defender blocks the TC UP project, it was necessary reducing the size of the file so that it can be submitted to the filesubmission, service and thus cleared of false accusations.

Therefore, from version 8.7 it will be necessary to download 2 files, an executable file and a data file, during installation they must be next to each other, additionally to ensure security and protect against unauthorized modification - these files have checksums that are checked during startup, if anything is modified in them, including the name of the data file, the installer will not start.

For this reason, I strongly suggest that you download TC UP only from the official download site:

You can check the status of the executable file (tcup87.exe) on VirusTotal for version 8.7 at this link

As for what's new, in this version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.7, there are only a few minor improvements and updates to the programs included in the project, because instead of focusing on introducing new features, e.g. the long-awaited update mode with existing settings, which is already quite advanced, but could not be implemented yet due to the fact that it was necessary to work to clear the good name of the Total Commander Ultima Prime project and the fact that in the meantime broke me two computers on which I could work on TC UP, and I can't afford to buy new equipment now.

Therefore, if any of the TC UP users have an unnecessary computer that is lying around somewhere and would be able to donate it for the needs of the next versions of TC UP, please write to me via the Contact page.

I am also asking for financial support for the project, especially by traditional transfer, to the given account number (then there are no additional fees from intermediaries) in the title by entering "TC UP Support"

With the previous version, 7 donations came from Poland and 2 were from other countries - it makes you think that there is no point in wasting time on language versions other than Polish and English, because no one appreciates it anyway…

Either way, it depends on your financial support whether TC UP will continue to be released to the public.

Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.6

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2022 12 31 _ 23:59:59

As on every last day of the year for 18 years, we are coming back to you with a new version: Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.6 - including:

"Krita", a program for drawing and editing raster graphics, comparable to the best commercial programs of this type.

For even greater comfort in processing audio video files, "Shutter Encoder" has been added to the vertical button bar.

Backup directories have received a new name format: "YYYY MM DD _ HH MM SS", and intro will inform you about the installer version before installation.

To improve productivity, several functions have been turned on in the "Notepad++" and "Total Commander" programs, and the "TC UP New" tool has been translated to Russian - thanks to Arthur.

Date 2022 12 31 is also launching a new version of the site and simplifying the possibility of project support using PayPal and Stripe (Blik, Przelewy24, Credit cards, Google Pay, …), thus all possible forms of financial support.

If TC UP is useful to you, we ask for donate.

All the news mentioned above can be seen on the Youtube video

Because it's the special date, i want to wish you all the best in the coming 2023!
Robert Łajka

And finally … I would like to invite everyone to see the series Barbarians II, in which I had the opportunity to perform (I spent 25 days on the set). My character was called Ballomar - Marcomanni Warrior - unfortunately, I was not mentioned in the final credits, but in the video below, you can see all the shots with me (I am on the right on the miniature , in the red coat):

Robert Łajka as Ballomar Marcomanni Warrior in Barbarians 2 Netflix

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.5

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2022 06 30 _ 23:59:59

In Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.5, the long-awaited function appeared. A new "TC UP Backup" card has been added to the installer, so it is possible to restore important files from previous versions of TC UP (such as the Total Commander license key, saved FTP / Google Drive accounts, Vivaldi browser bookmarks, or created user schemes in TC UP New, etc.)
The new version of TC UP is also a new program for converting multimedia files - Shutter Encoder (thanks to Paul Pacifico) and the Catalog Maker plugin (thanks to Konstantin Polyakov) for creating file lists and directories. The TC UP Turbo program has been enriched with a new language - Czech (thanks to habada.l).
As always, the programs included in TC UP have been updated to the latest version.

Welcome to the official YouTube channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime.

Please visit my website related to creating photos and videos:

Dear users, we are once again asking for financial support for the project.

Unfortunately, but donations that can be counted on the fingers of two hands, during the 17 years of the project's existence, will not cover the cost of maintaining the server.
If the situation does not change, then with heart pain we will have to say goodbye to the PUBLIC development of this project.
Not only do we devote our time, it is also our own money so that you can use TC UP - we have been doing it for so long that it would be difficult to stop, but the ingratitude of 99.9% of TC UP users is so huge that we will probably have to say stop...

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.4

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2022 03 31 _ 23:59:59

In Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.4, we focused mainly on expanding our tool to create a large number of directories and files - TC UP New, and especially on expanding the List mode, to quickly create a large number of directories with one click.
Therefore, shortcuts that run this mode directly have been added to the ButtonBar.
The display of the ButtonBar at 2560 x ... and 3840 x ... resolutions has also been improved.
From this version, by default, verification is enabled when copying and moving directories and files, this results in a longer copying time, but ensures security for our data (you can disable this option by: Menu > Configuration > Copy/Delete > Verify after copy (MD5 checksum).
In addition, from this version in Total Commander, new masks have been set up in the "Rename multiple files" and additional keyboard shortcuts have been added.
The display of menu entries has been improved and regional translations of ButtonBar have been restored, announced a few months ago.
As always, the programs included in TC UP have been updated to the latest version.
Mentioned novelties can be seen on the official YouTube channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime.

Dear users, once again we ask for financial support of the project, without you TC UP will cease to exist.

Please visit my website related to creating photos and videos:

And fanpage likes on Facebook:

Thank you!
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.3

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2021 12 31 _ 23:59:59

Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.3 is a further development of our  tool for quickly creating a large number of files and directories - TC UP New. As always, the programs included in TC UP have been updated to the latest version.
Mentioned novelties can be seen on the official YouTube channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime.
Dear users, once again we ask for financial support of the project, without you TC UP will cease to exist.

Please visit my website related to creating photos and videos:

And fanpage likes on Facebook:

Thank you!
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.2

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2021 09 30 _ 23:59:59

After half a year, we come back with the new version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.2. We focused on it, mainly on the development of our proprietary tool for creating files and directories: TC UP New - it is definitely the most advanced and the easiest to use program for simultaneous creation of large the number of files and directories in the world. A shortcut to the XnConvert utility for batch processing of image files has been added to the vertical button bar. As always, TC UP programs have been updated to the latest version.
Mentioned novelties can be seen on the official YouTube channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime.
Dear TC UP users, unfortunately creating such a project requires a huge amount of time and generates costs. Without your financial support, further development of the project will be questionable. During this six-month period since the release of the last version, several people have supported the project, for which we would like to thank you very much, but it is not enough to cover the costs of maintaining the infrastructure. If you are not indifferent to the fate of TC UP, please support us.

Please visit my website related to creating photos and videos:

And fanpage likes on Facebook:

Thank you in advance.
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.1

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2021 03 31 _ 23:59:59

Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.1 introduces new Total Commander Dark Mode interface (you can restore the normal interface whenever you want - just select: Menu > Configuration > Color> Dark mode). In this version we have focused on increasing functionality of "!Files" directory associated with TC UP. We have changed its default output path (you can define non standard location during installation) and its name (".Files" to "!Files"). We have greatly increased the functionality of the „Directory Hotlist” menu - it is now associated with !Files directory. Starting from this version, TC UP also includes our proprietary Inkscape launcher application - thanks to this, this fantastic vector graphics program is fully portable (all configuration files are kept in its own directory).
We finally have finished the reconstruction of project internal files. So, we would like to ask our translators to apply for the interface translation. Please contact us. We would like to restore full translation of the project in nearest time.
All the above-mentioned new functionalities can be found on our official YouTube  channel:  Total Commander Ultima Prime. Please subscribe! If we get enough subscribers we will introduce many tutorials that will show how to use TC UP project. It only depends on you, so go on and subscribe to our channel.

Finally, we would like to thank to ALL THE DONOTORS  who have supported the project since the previous version. Your response was huge - we did not expect that so many of you will support TC UP project!
Please continue your support. Thank you very much in advance.
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.0

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2020 12 31 _ 23:59:59

Today it is exactly 15 years since the release of the first version - TC UP 1.0, which had its premiere on December 31, 2005.
During all these years many people passed through the project, they were programmers, originators and translators:
Paweł Porwisz, Karol Kamiński (fenixproductions), Maciej Adamczyk (m^2), Adam Bukowiński (BuKoX), Dariusz J. Kawecki (DJK), Major Péter (Peti), Kamil Czyszczoń (Sinvar)Artem Izmaylov.
translators: China - Dreamy Mung, Croatia - Daniel Bernazza, Czech Republic - Martin Růžička and Vaclav Stajner and Petr Gasparik, Denmark - Jens Sabroe Pedersen, France - Thierry Rodrigues, Greece - Tampouri Bianca-Tampouris Themis, Spain - Mario Ángel, Netherlands - Stephan Hoek, Germany - Andreas Greunke, EXELBONSAI, Norway - Svein-Ove Urdal, Russia - Anton Isaev and Artem Izmaylov, Romania - Scutelnciu Ionel, Serbia - Nikola Vukelnic, Slovak - Michal Kabát, Sweden - Fredrik Larsson, Turkey - Mahmut VURAL, Ukraine - Roman Yaroslavovich, Hungary - Major Péter and Molnár Balázs, Italy - Carlo Marini and Douglas Quaid.
I would also like to thank all the authors of the programs included in the project, without your consent, TC UP would have looked completely different.
The breakthrough for the project was September 2007, when Paweł Porwisz joined the team - who, thanks to his excellent knowledge of the NSIS installer, made it possible to create solutions that were previously unattainable. Thanks to Paweł's programming skills, we also have proprietary programs in the project, the flagship of which is the TC UP New tool - for quickly creating a large number of directories and files.

At the moment, there are 3 people in the project (not counting the translators), Kamil Czyszczoń (Sinvar), who is responsible for the project website and two for the installer and the operation of the project - Paweł Porwisz and me - Robert Łajka.

We are aware that each of you is different and has different needs, so we try to create the TC UP project that everyone can adjust all settings to themselves during installation (or after installation, using the TC UP Turbo and TC UP Integrator tools).
Over the past 15 years, we have tried to create something that we would like to use ourselves, properly selected programs in one installer.
The idea was and still is simple: "you install the operating system, install TC UP and you don't need anything else..."

Continuing this thought, we present the version: Total Commander Ultima Prime 8.0
From this version, the installer will create the directory ".Files" (located in % USERPROFILE%\Downloads) along with the appropriate subdirectories, I hope it will have a positive effect on keeping order in the sorting of your files.
Due to this new functionality, the "List of favorite directories" menu has been greatly expanded - thanks to this, you can quickly reach selected sub-directories.
In addition, thanks to the fact that TC UP has "its" directories, we were able to create a fully automated backup of the most important files of the TC UP project when uninstalling it.

Listed news can be seen on the official YouTube channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime - I encourage you to subscribe, if we get enough subscribers (symbolic 1000) we will introduce many tutorials that will show how to use TC UP project - I think they will reveal many options for you that you had no idea about 😉

We would like to THANK ALL the donors who have supported the project over the years.
However, during these 15 years, the sums of payments that we received from you did not cover even the 5-year fees related to the maintenance of the server and domain, not counting other costs - I maintain everything from my own resources, I like to develop this project and devote my time to it, but I can't afford to finance the TC UP maintance all the time, so if you think that the project is useful for you, please support us.
Without your financial support, the further development of the project will be questionable ...

And finally:
Happy New Year!
Let 2021 be better than the historic 2020...

To the next version FRIENDS...
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.9

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2020 09 30 _ 23:59:59

Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.9 includes a new application - Media Player Classic Black Edition. It is well known multimedia player with integrated codecs, that can open almost every audio/video file.
In this version we have focused on „Directory Hotlist” menu (you will be able to get to the most frequently used directories even faster). We spent a lot of time on installer optimization. The goal is to reduce the size of output file while maintaining the existing functionality.
We are continuing changes in internal configuration files. Because of that, some parts of project is still available only in Polish and English language - this is a TEMPORARY situation. When all changes are made we will try to go back to the full translation of all supported languages.

You can see all new changes on the official YouTube: Channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime. Please subscribe! If we get enough subscribers we will introduce many tutorials that will show how to use TC UP project. It only depends on you, so go on and subscribe to our channel.

Dear TC UP users, I'm asking for financial support. Unfortunately making that kind of project takes a huge amount of time and leads to additional costs. Without your support further development of the project will be questionable.
Even the smallest contribution will be a great support.

Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.8

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2020 04 30 _ 23:59:59

Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.8 includes two new applications - SMPlayer, it is a multimedia player with integrated codecs, that can open almost every audio/video file (it will substitute Light Alloy, which is no longer developed) and HandBrake, application to convert any video file to selected modern wide spectrum of codecs (works only on x64 systems).
Continuing basic changes started in previous version of TC UP, some of aplications, which are no longer delveloped or were substituted, were removed - those are: Angel Writer, Free Download Manager, HateML, Light Alloy, Unlocker, VirtualDub, StatBar, Tail for Win32, TightVNC.
Menu „Directory Hotlist” was updated with many new entries, and on the "Horizontal Button Bar" we added shortcuts to „Programs” and „Tools”. Because of that we can access our most frequently visited folders easier, and open our favorite programs even faster. Other button bars were also updated i.a. „Sleep Computer” button was added.

Advanced Info displayed on the Total Commander title bar was also updated,  some problems from previous version was fixed  and configuration files were changed, because of that part of the project is accessible in full only in Polish and English - This is TEMPORARY situation. When all changes will be applied, we'll come back to fully support all other languages.
You can see all new changes on the official Youtube Channel: Total Commander Ultima Prime - Please subscribe, if suitable amount of subscribers will be gathered, tutorials about how to operate parts of the project will show up.
And for the end...

Dear TC UP users, I'm asking for financial support. Unfortunately making that kind of project takes a huge amount of time and leads to additional costs. Without your support further development of the project will be in question.
Even the smallest contribution will be amazing support.
Robert Łajka

New Version - Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.7

Published by: Robert Łajka - 2019 12 31 _ 23:59:59

Dear TC UP users!
After a few months break we are proud to present the new version of Total Commander Ultima Prime 7.7 project, and the new version of the official website (which will be successively developed).
The newest version of Total Commander Ultima Prime project brings
W najnowszej odsłonie projektu Total Commander Ultima Prime dodaliśmy przeglądarkę Vivaldi Browser - in our opinion the best web browser ever created. From the look and feel, to how user interact with browser, every aspect of Vivaldi can be tweaked and customized. User is in control. This behave is quite similar to TC UP.
We have also added Captura program (it allows you to capture Screen, WebCam, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystroke), Space Sniffer tool (it is used to quickly check the used space on hard drives) and Diskinternals Reader plugin (it gives access to partitions and disk images).
New TC UP version fixes known bugs and problems. Among other things, the problem with file associations in Windows 10 and icons pinning on the Windows taskbar has been fixed. New Total Commander vertical bar with with appropriately configured shortcuts has been added and all existing button bars have been improved.
We spent a lot of time and we put in a lot of work developing TC UP New - the tool which is used to quickly create directories and files. Thanks to many fundamental changes, creating a large number of directories and files is even faster and more intuitive. As usual, the programs and plug-ins included in the project have been updated to the latest versions.

Dear users, please support the project by donations. We also invite you to subscribe to the official YouTube channel. We would like to know if you are interested to watch TC UP guides on YouTube channel.

Finally, information for translators. I have not forgotten about you! We are going to add more changes to the project so translation must wait. If everything is ready - I will contact you.
Please, just send me a confirmation email if you are still interested to be active TC UP translator. This information is very important, to know which languages should be supported in future.

Happy new year!

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